Chris Brown
US Blogger Sandra Rose thinks Chris Brown is raising a narcissist
Troubled singer Chris Brown is trying his best to be a good father by overindulging his only child, Royalty. Brown, who grew up in a violent single-parent household, did not have a good foundation to learn good parenting skills because his own mother lacked good parenting skills. Like most uninformed parents, Brown thinks spoiling his daughter with expensive gifts takes the place of good parenting.
But all it really does is create a narcissist who grows up expecting special attention from others. She will likely expect to get anything she wants — and she will throw a fit if she doesn’t get it.
Like most narcissists, Brown is very ative on social media, where he posts photos of himself, his toys, and now his daughter’s toys.
Child experts say the best way to raise a narcissist is to overindulge or over value your children.
Excessive praise such as telling children they are cute, pretty or handsome is equally harmful because it gives the child a false sense of self.
“When narcissists don’t get the special treatment they think they’re entitled to, they become angry and aggressive; they lash out at others in an aggressive manner,” Brad J. Bushman, PhD, professor of communication and psychology, Ohio State University, told Medscape Medical News.
“Convicted thieves, rapists, and murderers have some of the highest levels of narcissism,” he said.