BREAK UP: 3 Things To Remember When Trying To Fix Your Broken Relationship

BREAK UP: 3 Things To Remember When Trying To Fix Your Broken Relationship

Breaking up with your noticeable other could be really uneven and take on toll on both parties or one, but some splits are easier than others but they still hurt all the same.
Often times, there is a tendency to ponder over the mistakes we made and events which lead to the breakup, we blame ourselves and wish we had done some things differently maybe it would have turned out better.

1• Regardless of what "technically" happened,  it's still not completely your fault and it's not completely their fault, either. 
Typically, when we start feeling the urge to control and fix our broken relationship, it is because we are beating ourselves up. It's because we're thinking in our heads, I messed this up, I'm not good enough and I need to change. While its true that we do have areas where we need to grow and become better, it is never completely our fault. After all, it takes two to tango. The other person's imperfections certainly didn't make things any easier. That being said, it's also good to keep in mind that it's never fully the other person's fault, either. So we want to avoid the urge to point the finger at the other person as well. It's both people together that create clash.

2• Focus on your own well-being. 
When we have most of our energy focused on trying to fix our breakup, we completely forget to concentrate on one of the most important things of all: ourselves. Try to take time to rest, eat and talk to a loved one. Allow yourself to grieve and process what you're going through.

3• There's always other fish in the sea. 
For years, I cringed every time someone would say these words to me, but now I actually find joy in the truth of it. There is so many potential lessons and experiences out there in the dating world. Trouble, however, is that we can never fully see our possibilities if we are too focused on what we have lost. Sure, allow yourself to grieve -- your soul deserves the time to do that -- but be heedful about focusing too much on what you have lost. You don't want to end up in a rut and miss out on noticing the gold that's in front of you.

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