Relationship statuses explained.
Married: one who is united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law.
Separated: when married individuals no longer live together as a loving couple, they are said to be separated. It more often than not precedes divorce.
Divorced: a married couple whose bonds of matrimony have been terminated and/or cancelled under the rule of law of the particular country and/or state. A member is said to be divorced.
Engaged: one who either made a pledge to marry someone and the pledge accepted or a person who a pledge of marriage is made to and that person accepted. Most of the time they use a ring to seal it. If you use other words such as "betrothed" and "affianced" here, you won't be wrong.
Taken: when people are in relationships and unavailable, the subtle way to describe them is that they are "taken"
It's Complicated: is any relationship that is not working as desired by it's members. It's an umbrella sheltering different relationship problems and people use this phrase when they are not comfortable/not in the mood to narrate the details of what their relationship problems are/were.
Dating: If you are going out with someone on a regular basis with or without agreements, you are dating
In an open relationship: this is very deceptive in my opinion. I see these people as the very opposite of the people who are taken. Members here are in a relationship but are still available. Correct me if I'm wrong.
In a relationship: one who is in an emotional or having sexual affair with the opposite sex where feelings are mutual.
Single: someone who is not married or involved in a romantic relationship.
Serious relationship: No clue.
The above are all the relationship statuses I know but I can't seem to rap my head around what to be "in a serious relationship" which I hear very often around me. If you know the meaning, kindly tell me.
Sean Rainfall @ezie101