Ten Types Of People You Would Probably Meet In A Lecture Room

Ten Types Of People You Would Probably Meet In A Lecture Room

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(1). The babes catcher: what i observed was that this category always come to the theatre and start asking silly questions, FROM GIRLS: sorry, is this ETF? (The niggur could see it o) and i"m like NO this is Indomie spot (IMSU Wad Up)

(2). The perf./jewelry flaunters: these ones will oppress you with perfumes. The neck chain na die,and the way they smell,you will get angry at poverty. (i saw a chaib, and i know say d tin go cost more than one of my lecturer car)

(3). The mancho men: they will always wear short top/body hugs, and pencil with dark shades. The beards will be so much that you will start wondering if they were ADEKUNLE CIROMA, who takes WAEC every year. To even say BROS go hard you. (BACKGATE Wad up) *smiles*

(4). The 'PHONETICIANS' : you will see them talking as if Okija juju use their voice for control ritual. THEY WILL BE LIKE: SORRY, is this COMMAISSE? (when its written everywhere o) SORRY, ARE YOU IN THEATRE ARTS? SORRY, IS THIS SEAT TAKEN? (Ya my Grandma been de dia). Everything will start with: SORRY. them no dey tire-90% are FEMALE.

(4). The gadget freak: as he is toying with his samsung galaxy, he is playing games on his HUAWEI,and Pinging on his TECNO.some of these guys are ambient-they may chase babes,or be lost in their gadgets.(till the real owners spot you for tight corner then you use Nokia 1100 by force)

(5). The 'AJEBOTISHS': I so much love seeing them, ladies though (they are pleasing to the eyes). you will be enjoying your Mama Eko or Uju"s quantity food when person D REENYS or Indomie Spot d eat Fried egg with Onion (inside school o)
(6). The undecided: This consist of dudes that don't know what they want. They would be undecided from chatting up a babe to buying of drinks or not. You will see them soliloquising on the way.(these niggas are either stingy,or nerds,geeks)

(7). The couple: These group will make you jealous-always giggling and performing PDA. My close goon is guilty. You go see them going from theatre to anywhere inside school.

(8). The comedians: they will always crack you up,even when the lecturer is lecturing. You will wonder if them no get work, yet u will laugh.

(9). The leaders: awon eleyi (these ones), they will be the first to volunteer to help the lecturer sell his hand outs, clean the board (yeye eye service).

(10). The geeks: these ones will always talk,even when lecturer self dey confuse. I do wonder if them dey cheat ni (mtcheew,after all,dem no go carry First Class o).


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