"I Have A Crush On Nikki Minaj" | TeeBlaQ [teeblaqofficial | @iam_teeblaq] Speaks Out

"I Have A Crush On Nikki Minaj" | TeeBlaQ [teeblaqofficial | @iam_teeblaq] Speaks Out

TeeBlaQ the Robo Cronie just revealed in an Interview that his rave of the moment Nicki Minaj featuring Olamide was inspired by his crush on Nicki Minaj herself LOL.
He went on to state Five reasons why she is his Crush:
1. She is a good singer, he said
2. She is good rapper, he empahsised
3. She carry Front, She carry back [This dude is crazy in love]
4. She got stage energy, which makes some sense
5. She is beautiful

So could we say he would feature her soon? coz he never mentioned that but come to think of it, if given the oppurtunity he would feature her and date her. NO BE ME GIST UNA OHH.

Oya listen to Nicki Minaj through the download link below and drop you comments about everything and pls shear this with friends girls incase you have a girl looking like Nicki Minaj LooL

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