For Ladies Only: How To Cleanse When It Starts Rushing

For Ladies Only: How To Cleanse When It Starts Rushing

Step 1
Run warm water in the shower or bathtub. It is okay to wear
a tampon while cleansing, or to have no protection at all.
Have mild soap or cleanser and a washcloth available, if

Step 2
Wet the entire genital area with warm water just as you
normally would any other time. Do not use soap or water on
the inside of the vagina. Wet the buttocks and external anal
area last to avoid bacterial contamination.

Step 3
Gently wash from front to back, using unscented, mild soap
or cleanser to the external genital area, if preferred.
According to the "American Congress of Obstetricians and
Gynecologists," it is best to cleanse the genitals with plain,
warm water only. Use soap and warm water to wash the
buttocks and external anal area.

Step 4
Rinse the entire genital area with warm water. Avoid leaving
traces of soap or cleanser, as even mild products may dry
out or irritate delicate skin if left on too long. Rinse the
buttocks and anal area last.

Step 5
Gently pat yourself dry with a clean towel. Check that the
entire genital and buttocks area is dry before getting
dressed. Covered wet skin can enhance the growth of
bacteria and other organisms.

Step 6
Remove and discard any tampon you may have worn while
cleansing. Apply a new tampon or sanitary napkin and clean

Many women prefer a shower instead of a bath, as any
leaking blood will drain right away. If menstrual bleeding is
moderate or heavy, you may dry with soft paper towels to
avoid staining an ordinary one. Wear cotton underpants
instead of synthetic ones. Cotton undergarments allow
airflow, inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria and
organisms. When choosing soap or cleanser, avoid products
with color, perfume, dye and harsh ingredients.
Warm water Unscented, mild cleanser, if preferred
Washcloth, if desired Clean underwear Clean sanitary pad or

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