So far, I am yet to meet a woman who didn't get all insecure and jittery when she found out that are man is still very close with his ex. It makes her wonder why he left her if he still wanted her. She unconsciously begins to compare herself to his ex and finds herself lacking. She tries her darnest to overlook it but it's like trying to ignore a large boulder on the road. Instead of eventually getting hurt, wouldn't it be best to be able to identify the signs that he's still got the hots for his old girlfriend and leave before you get in too deep?
You are only permitted to leave the relationship(if you deem it necessary), after you have had a conversation with him about it and at the end of it your concerns aren't laid to rest.
Signs He's Still In Love With His Ex.
Before I go on, I want you to know that it's fine for you to hate him for putting you in a weird situation.
1. He keeps in touch with her: Nothing good can come from this. Exes never stay friends. If they did, they wouldn't tag them "exes'. No matter how amicable the break up, there's always underlying bitterness especially if the other person moves on faster than you do. If exes stay in touch there is definitely something binding them. You have every cause to worry.
2. He compares you to her: There is no reason whatsoever for him to mention his ex in your presence after the compulsory delve into each other's pasts. If during quarrels or misunderstandings he compares you to her, that is highly unacceptable. Going a step further, if the comparisons leaves you wanting(that is, if he tells you how much better than you she was), he's definitely still pining for her.
3. It's been less than 3 months since the break up: If he hasn't been single for long or he has only been out of a relationship for a month, chances are very high that you are the rebound. The chances are through the roof if it was a long term relationship. He probably doesn't fully realize that he's using you. But you will. Not to say that some rebounds don't end well but the majority just lead to heartbreaks and guilt.
4. He's still her Knight: If your man rushes to her side whenever she calls...He's still got it pretty bad. It's rare for exes to stay best friends. It's even rarer for them to be at each others beck and call. If he's always eager to help her out of a tough situation, it no longer qualifies as kindness. Nobody is that generous.
5. He saves her text: I don't know about you, but I certainly do not see the usefulness or wisdom in saving texts sent to me by an ex. Makes you wonder why your man still has them though. Does he go back to them whenever he misses her? Is it his way of clinging to memories of her? I'm 98% certain that they aren't all old. They probably still text each other. They most likely profess love to each other. But you thought he was happy with you...sorry sis. He still loves her and he loves her more than he loves you(if he loves you at all).
6. He has a lot of her pictures: 3 or 4 pictures qualify as cool. More than that is a problem. A big one. Why does he still have that many pictures of her? Why would he think it was okay for you to see that many pictures of another woman(that isn't related to him) on your man's phone? One answer readily comes to mind. It's probably not completely over. Even if he wants to save them as memories, they shouldn't be readily available like that.
Other signs are;
★ His stalking her on social media.
★ Getting irritable and jealous when he hears she's with someone else.
★ Clinging to memories of her.
★ He tries to be a perfect gentleman, to her not you, when you BOTH bump into her.
★ He gets defensive if you ask him if he still has feelings for her. If he doesn't, he wouldn't be annoyed with you for bringing it up. Being mad at you and trying to turn the tables is just a defense mechanism he hopes will get you off his back.
Men don't venture into matters of the heart easily. When they love someone, it sometimes takes them longer than their female counterparts to get over heartbreaks. It doesn't matter if they try to hide it by being with multiple women or being mean. Either way, the one thing propelling them is hurt. So, it's quite understandable for them to pine for an ex or find it hard to completely let go so fast. They need time to heal and they assume they can do that by immediately diving into another relationship. You bear the brunt of this. It's unfair to you.
There's really no reason for you to have to compete with another woman for your man's attention. Talk to him...bare your heart and let him understand he has to choose between you or his ex. Stand your ground. If he really loves you...he won't hesitate. He'll choose you in a flash. Don't wait for him to 'some day' love you. 'Some day' might never come.
You deserve to be happy.