Couples Only: Sweet & Perfect Quickie Tricks You Must Know
1.Send a Sext
Engage in some textual foreplay when there's no
time for actual foreplay. Shoot off a racy text,
email, or photo to your partner to let them know
what you have in mind, says Sadie Allison,
Ph.D., author of The Mystery of the Undercover
Clitoris. Something like "On my way home and
want to rip your clothes off before we head to
the party" will do the trick.
2. Forget about Everything
When you're in the mood for some dashed
lovemaking, there's no time to pay attention to
finer details like clothes, grooming and body
odour. The benefit of a quick sex session is in
its oblivious passion. With passion on your
mind, you need not bother about the clothes
you're wearing or the need for a bath. In fact,
you do not need to undress completely. That
little sliver of your unbuttoned chest showing,
will only add to her arousal.
3. Use Lube
"With quickies, women's bodies often don't
have adequate time to 'warm up,'" says sex
researcher Debby Herbenick, Ph.D., author of
Sex Made Easy. So give yourself a kick start
with a little lube before you get going. Plus,
feeling physically turned on will give you a
mental boost almost instantly.
4. Don't Get Naked
"Loose, flowy skirts and dresses were made for
quickies," says Allison. After all, part of the
thrill of a quicky is the spontaneity involved,
and nothing screams spontaneous like not even
stopping to get undressed.
5. Fantasize
Instead of going from zero to 60, start your
quickie in your head. Even a few minutes of
fantasizing—whether you're reading an erotic
book on the train home or imagining what you
want your partner to do to you—can help spike
your arousal, says Herbenick.
6. Opt for Oral
There's no rule that says a quickie has to involve
intercourse so mix it up with an oral-only
session, suggests Allison. Plus, seeing this as the
main event rather than just the prelude will let
you both sit back and enjoy it that much more.
7. Pick a Prime Location
Quickies in the bedroom just seem rushed and
random, but a quickie in your hallway or the
bathroom before work seems totally on target.
The location can actually add to the ambience
so do a little planning ahead of time. "Just
because it's quick doesn't mean it has to be
haphazard," says Herbenick. So plan to jump
into your partner's morning shower or to
surprise him in the kitchen before dinner.
8. Orgasms are Optional
Unless your raging libido can genuinely satisfy
your quickie cravings and end in an orgasmic
release, consider orgasms an optional feature
in quickie-sex. The electrifying sex, coupled
with the taboo of the setting, will result in a
fiery chemistry.
9. The Correct Position
A satisfying quickie is all about appropriate sex
positions. Altering your posture to maximise
pleasure will result in an electrifying session.
Try entering her from behind, propping her up
on a counter or table top, or letting her be on
top. The correct position will only add to the
heat of the situation.
There's nothing wrong with having a quick sex
session. It is an assured way to spice up your
sex life and just engage in plain, no-nonsense
sex. With these tips up your sleeve, you will be
able to reap the maximum benefits of your sex
Engage in some textual foreplay when there's no
time for actual foreplay. Shoot off a racy text,
email, or photo to your partner to let them know
what you have in mind, says Sadie Allison,
Ph.D., author of The Mystery of the Undercover
Clitoris. Something like "On my way home and
want to rip your clothes off before we head to
the party" will do the trick.
2. Forget about Everything
When you're in the mood for some dashed
lovemaking, there's no time to pay attention to
finer details like clothes, grooming and body
odour. The benefit of a quick sex session is in
its oblivious passion. With passion on your
mind, you need not bother about the clothes
you're wearing or the need for a bath. In fact,
you do not need to undress completely. That
little sliver of your unbuttoned chest showing,
will only add to her arousal.
3. Use Lube
"With quickies, women's bodies often don't
have adequate time to 'warm up,'" says sex
researcher Debby Herbenick, Ph.D., author of
Sex Made Easy. So give yourself a kick start
with a little lube before you get going. Plus,
feeling physically turned on will give you a
mental boost almost instantly.
4. Don't Get Naked
"Loose, flowy skirts and dresses were made for
quickies," says Allison. After all, part of the
thrill of a quicky is the spontaneity involved,
and nothing screams spontaneous like not even
stopping to get undressed.
5. Fantasize
Instead of going from zero to 60, start your
quickie in your head. Even a few minutes of
fantasizing—whether you're reading an erotic
book on the train home or imagining what you
want your partner to do to you—can help spike
your arousal, says Herbenick.
6. Opt for Oral
There's no rule that says a quickie has to involve
intercourse so mix it up with an oral-only
session, suggests Allison. Plus, seeing this as the
main event rather than just the prelude will let
you both sit back and enjoy it that much more.
7. Pick a Prime Location
Quickies in the bedroom just seem rushed and
random, but a quickie in your hallway or the
bathroom before work seems totally on target.
The location can actually add to the ambience
so do a little planning ahead of time. "Just
because it's quick doesn't mean it has to be
haphazard," says Herbenick. So plan to jump
into your partner's morning shower or to
surprise him in the kitchen before dinner.
8. Orgasms are Optional
Unless your raging libido can genuinely satisfy
your quickie cravings and end in an orgasmic
release, consider orgasms an optional feature
in quickie-sex. The electrifying sex, coupled
with the taboo of the setting, will result in a
fiery chemistry.
9. The Correct Position
A satisfying quickie is all about appropriate sex
positions. Altering your posture to maximise
pleasure will result in an electrifying session.
Try entering her from behind, propping her up
on a counter or table top, or letting her be on
top. The correct position will only add to the
heat of the situation.
There's nothing wrong with having a quick sex
session. It is an assured way to spice up your
sex life and just engage in plain, no-nonsense
sex. With these tips up your sleeve, you will be
able to reap the maximum benefits of your sex