Music: Frenzy - "Bank" + "Yea U Know" | @frenzyoffixial

Music: Frenzy - "Bank" + "Yea U Know" | @frenzyoffixial

John Ogungbenro Oluwafemi referred to as Frenzy, can best be described as a young, gifted and Venomous indigenous Rapper. He never took entertainment seriously while growing up and does rap for fun as he has his eyes on other things far from entertainment. From age of 11, Rap has been an art he does for a getaway and escape when the need calls for it.‬
‪He, Frenzy, had a lovely upbringing in Ibadan (Nigeria) with his mum; where he attended Primary School and as well High school. His humble but wealthy background makes him see things differently and tends to live a very modest life. If he wasn’t singing he would have ended up being a Doctor; a profession he has so much Love for.‬
‪While starting out, he had full support of his mum and family that always stay beside him to make him believe in himself. He migrated to South Africa 2012 for a change of environment but soon discovered other side to what he does and worked hard on fitting in. He attended a school of thought to upgrade in terms of rap skills and masterpiece deliveries with that believe “You can’t change your past but you can change the future”.‬
‪What keeps him going is his openness to correction, ability to listen to people’s advice and always believing in himself. His Mission in the Industry is to do music that will move round Africa and the world over.  He had worked with couple of producers and has done couple of collaborations in South Africa. His materials are soon to be felt by many and will be released under BOLIDE RECORDS, the label he just got signed under.‬
‪Frenzy idolizes the likes of Jay-Z, Da Grin, Kuli Chana, M.I Abaga to mention a few. Philosophy he lives by is “Do what you love because you only live once”.‬
‪Twitter: @frenzyoffixial   //// Instagram: @frenzyofficial‬
+27 84 696 8386.



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