5 Easy Ways to Boost Your Energy on a Daily Basis

5 Easy Ways to Boost Your Energy on a Daily Basis

We all know the standard ways to raise our vibration – crystals, meditation, Reiki, yoga, eating healthy and living consciously. While these are all wonderful methods to raise your energy, for many of us these can feel like a passive way to go about it. Carrying a crystal or laying on a Reiki table can only do so much, so here are a few ways to raise your frequency in a more active way.

1. Create

We all know empowering New Age maxim “We are all creators of our reality!”
dfdfWe need to channel our energy into projects we are passionate about. Paint a picture, write a poem, knit some socks, build a bird house, make jewelry!
It doesn’t matter what it is that you make, but you should spend some time each day creating something that you enjoy.
Being creative boosts and balances our second (creative) and fifth (expressive) chakras.
I have also found that when we create something it promotes confidence and creates a feeling of empowerment. A creative hobby reduces stress and anxiety and gives us a sense of accomplishment.
When we create something out of passion we enter into a state of “flow”. Flow or being in “the zone” is when we become fully immersed in what we are doing and achieve a state of “energizing focus”. This is a state where our frequency is truly heightened.
We are fractals of the Creator, this means it is our divine right, maybe even our sacred duty, to create. We are not meant to simply live in this world, we are meant to contribute to it. Unleash your creative force in a way that resonates with you. It shows you that truly each one of us is a creator. 

2. Laugh

Laughter is a sacred medicine. It has been used to banish negative energies and ward off malevolent entities throughout history.
On the scientific side, there are numerous studies showing that laughter boosts the immune system, relaxes the body, and sends more oxygen into the blood stream.
When they say laughter is the best medicine, they aren’t wrong! Sharing a good laugh with friends or family also promotes intimacy and an overall feeling of closeness. Plus, laughing daily just naturally promotes a feeling of optimism and relieves psychological stress.
Laughter heals the body, relaxes the mind, and shakes off negative energy from the spirit!
So go on Netflix and watch some standup, go on YouTube and look up cats wearing mittens or lions with laser pointers or anything that fills your belly with laughter!

3. Connect with others

Sometimes in our current cultural paradigm we can grow to become more egocentric, almost forgetting that there are other people out there outside of our bubble. And then on the other end of the spectrum, we have empaths who forget that they need to take care of themselves.
holding-hands-on-beach-1024x656Both of these extremes can serve to drain us of our energy and disconnect us if we are not careful. What we need to do is actually connect with each other in a balanced way.
Connect with someone each day about something real, something important. Have hour long conversations about philosophy, religion, consciousness, love, society, law, equal rights, whatever, as long as its important to you!
Connect with someone else and express your ideas, and hear their thoughts in return. There’s no need for there to be judgment or anger if there is a disagreement, connect with them on a mental level. Hear their perspective, show them yours.
When you do this with an open mind, you expand your consciousness and might just learn something new. When two people engage in an open dialog with one another in this way, their energy fields connect and their spirits intermingle and dance! After a good conversation like this, both parties should walk away feeling energized. Nothing is more stimulating than a good conversation!

4. Move around

1082058061This one is easy, yet in many parts of our western world we live what is called a sedentary life style. What this means is that we don’t really move.
We lay in bed, sit at a desk, lounge on a couch watching TV. Now this has natural health risks, and as we know our body mind and spirit are all connected.
When our health atrophies, it will effect us mentally and spiritually. Regular exercise is important for our body, keeping us healthy and strong. It is also good for us psychologically. When we exercise we release stress and increase our endorphin and oxygen levels.
Exercise can help us overcome depression and stress. Both the body and the spirit become stale when stagnant. So get yourself moving!
If you cant afford a gym membership go for a jog or even just a long walk in nature. Or just dance around your room like a fool! It doesn’t matter, just get moving!

5. Sing

You don’t need to be a professional singer to sing loudly for the world to hear! There are many types of songs, chants and musical expressions to engage in.
people-singingKirtan is a form of musical meditation and prayer using call and response chants.
Kirtan has been used in bhakti yoga since time immemorial to remind us of our connection to everything and relax the mind, raise our frequency, and take us into an altered state of consciousness.
Not only has singing been used spiritually to create a deeper sense of connection, it has also been scientifically proven to be good for us!
A study done in Australia back in 2008 shows that people who sing in a chorus on average have a higher satisfaction with life.
When we sing, we raise oxygen levels in our blood and release all of those feel good endorphins. Some benefits are purely mental. We get lost in the music and we can enter into the state of Flow described above. So sing every day for about ten to twenty minutes.
The benefits of it are numerous, and it really does raise your frequency.  So get singing, doing and creating!

-Sean Rainfall @ezie101

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