Wahala! APC To Broadcast Gay Documentary Of President Jonathan And His Allies?

Wahala! APC To Broadcast Gay Documentary Of President Jonathan And His Allies?

The spokesman for President Goodluck Jonathan's
campaign organisation, Mr. Femi Fani-Kayode has
announced that the APC is plotting to expose
details about the private lives of President
Goodluck Jonathan, First Lady, Patience Jonathan
and Petroleum Minister, Diezani Alison-Madueke
and some of the allegation bothers on Gay sex.
Fani-Kayode said that the APC is planning to reveal
the intimate secrets via a documentary sponsored
by its leaders.
Read the statement below
"We invited you here today to intimate the Nigerian
people, through your esteemed media organisations,
about a despicable and wicked agenda that is being
orchestrated by the opposition to scandalise,
undermine and bring into disrepute our candidate,
President Goodluck Jonathan (GCFR), his wife, the
First Lady of Nigeria, Dame Patience Jonathan, our
Minister of Petroleum Resources, Mrs. Diezani
Allison Maduekwe and other key government
functionaries and members of his administration."
"The special operations and intelligence wing of my
Directorate has been reliably informed that the
opposition is planning to air a documentary about
the private lives of President Jonathan, the First Lady
and the Minister of Petroleum Resources."
"The documentary is riddled with falsehood and it is
vulgar, smutty, cheap, shameful and salacious. This
initiative is being spearheaded by the entire
leadership of the All Progressives Congress (APC)
and is being funded and organised by two serving
governors and one former governor who controls his
state through his hand-picked stooge."
"Our response to this initiative is one of utter
repugnance. That the opposition has degenerated to
such a point that in response to legitimate questions
that were raised about the record in public office of
their Presidential candidate, General Muhammadu
Buhari and their de facto leader, Asiwaju Bola
Tinubu, in two major and widely viewed
documentaries, the only recourse they have, rather
than answering the questions put in those
documentaries, is to try to humiliate, shame and
disgrace our presidential candidate by making the
most baseless and scandalous accusations about his
private life. The truth is that this shameful course of
action will not work and we shall not be distracted.
Neither will we lose any sleep over it."
"We are, however, by this press conference, sending
a clear signal to the three APC leaders that are
funding and spearheading this initiative that it will
not in any way serve the interest of their party or the
interest of their Presidential candidate if they insist
on treading that path or toeing that deplorable line."
"In the event of them insisting on treading this
dangerous and dishonorable course, we reserve the
right to respond fully and use all legitimate means to
expose the inherent evil that these three individuals
habitually and continuously manifest in both their
private lives and whilst in public office."
"The truth is that they can say what they like about
President Goodluck Jonathan, his family members
and those close to him but one thing they cannot say
is that, unlike one of the three individuals that is
behind this disgraceful initiative, President Jonathan
does not show an unhealthy interest in the affairs of
little boys and he does not indulge in gross and
perverse intimate acts with them in his spare time in
an obscene, indecent, shameful and completely
unacceptable manner."
"They can say whatever they like about our candidate
but, unlike one of the three individuals that are
behind this reprehensible initiative, it is not President
Goodluck Jonathan that ended up eloping with and
eventually marrying the house girl of his former
"They can say whatever they like about President
Jonathan but it is not our President who drove his
own father into political oblivion, broke the poor
man's heart and sent him to an early grave in pain,
tears, defeat and shame. Presidential Jonathan did
not do any of these things. It is those that have
insisted on engaging in this shameful and repugnant
initiative that have done these things."
"They know who they are and, for now, we need not
mention their names. At the appropriate time, we
shall mention names and expose every aspect of the
sordid life styles of these individuals and at that time
the Nigerian people will judge for themselves."
"The second issue we want to touch on today is the
shameful proposition that was made to General
Muhammadu Buhari by the representatives of a
number of western governments when he was in the
United Kingdom for a prolonged stay. He had
appealed to them for support and to get their
endorsement. He had talks with the representatives
of at least four western countries. The leaders of
those countries made an offer to General
Muhammadu Buhari and we are reliably informed
that he has put the offer under consideration."
"The proposition and offer was that if he was
prepared to support legislation in Nigeria to allow
same sex marriage and if he was prepared to repeal
the anti-gay laws in Nigeria they will, in return,
endorse, support and fund him, initially covertly and
eventually publicly, at the right time."
"Instead of outrightly rejecting these offers and
spurning this proposition, to our utter shock and
consternation, General Buhari apparently refused to
rule it out and has put the matter under
consideration. Instead of him to say NO he assured
them that he would consider these two things. We
believe that this is a matter that ought to be brought
to the attention of the Nigerian people as a matter of
"The APC are so desperate to ensuring that General
Buhari becomes the President of this country that
they are actually prepared to consider the scrapping
of all anti-gay or anti-homosexual legislations and at
the same time, endorsing and supporting fresh
legislation that would allow same sex marriage in our
country. They are considering this despite the fact
that the overwhelming majority of the Nigerian
people find same sex marriage and, indeed,
homosexuality repugnant and unacceptable."
"We are using this occasion to challenge General
Buhari to come clean and to tell the Nigerian people
whether this is true and whether, in the unlikely event
of his being elected President, he is seriously
considering scrapping the anti-homosexual laws in
our country and pushing through new legislation
which would allow same sex marriage."
"The third issue is as follows. We read, with
amusement, the threat by the Buhari's Campaign
Organisation through their spokesperson, Mr Garba
Shehu, that it is their intention to drag the First Lady,
Dame Patience Jonathan, before the International
Criminal Court of Justice (ICC), for allegedly indulging
in what they described as ''hate speech'' at a recent
rally in Rivers State."
"Dame Patience Jonathan is a woman of peace. She
did not threaten anyone with violence; she did not
incite anyone to commit violence or to kill others and
her words have not resulted in death, mass murder
or any crimes against humanity. We therefore
completely reject the baseless charge and assertion
that she has called for the killing or slaughter of
anyone at any point in time."
"Their threat to take the First Lady to the ICC is not
only absurd but it is also nothing but the empty and
boastful ranting of a perfidious, desperate, decaying
and dying political party and such threat will amount
to nothing. The truth is that if anybody is a candidate
for the ICC, it is certainly not Dame Patience
Jonathan, but rather General Muhammadu Buhari
"We say this because, firstly, he needs to answer
questions about his role in the July 29, 1966 coup and
the mass murder of about 300 Igbo army officers,
including a serving Head of State, that took place that
night. Secondly, there are questions to be answered
about his role during the pogrom and massacre in
northern Nigeria in 1966 in which no less than
100,000 innocent Igbo civilians, including women and
children, were slaughtered in cold blood by mobs
that were covertly armed and supported by a small
handful of junior army officers."


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