Must Read: Ways To Improve Your S*x Life
it's helpful to create more than one positive script
to override the negative. It is a good idea to say
your scripts to yourself (in your head) in a variety
of situations. Here are two common negative
scripts and Vanessa Thompson of S-exology
Services suggestions for how to counteract them.
'I'm not attractive'
If you compare yourself with women who
sometimes catch your partner's eye, you can end
up with a misguided idea that if you don't look like
them, he couldn't possibly be attracted to you.
That's usually not the case. If your partner wants to
have s-ex with you, he obviously finds something
about you attractive.
Think positive
Focus on something about you that's positive. Ask
him what his favourite part of you is or find a part
of you that you like and focus on that in your script.
For example, 'I've got a nice smile', or 'I've got a
good sense of humour', or 'My partner loves my
'I'm too busy for s-ex'
When we're too busy, s-ex is often the first thing to
be dropped off the list, yet it's amazing how many
people are too busy for s-ex but spend two hours a
night on social media or watching TV. If you think
you're too busy for s-ex, you're clearly not going to
find time for it.
Think positive
Focus on what you do already that is making time
for that connection with your partner. For example,
'I like cuddling my partner on the lounge' or 'I like
holding his hand'. By focusing on what you do
make time for, you're acknowledging that you are a
s-exual being, then it's not such a big leap to have
-boniface munyua muthee & bofam