Terry G Talks About His Purewater Business & fears about marriage"

Terry G Talks About His Purewater Business & fears about marriage"

How down-to-earth could Terry G be?
All the way may just be the answer. The 'Mad man' on stage as he is called is a talented and successful entertainer, instrumentalist, singer and music producer. In this interview with Weekend Groove, the father of one talks about his pure water business, his marriage plans, and much more.

How has life been treating you lately?
I thank God, life has been so good, positive and I have been working on the brand, Terry G; making it look more attractive and appealing so that it can be widely accepted.

Why did you venture into pure water business when there are other lucrative businesses?
You know music is a special part of my life; music is a hobby, it is what I love doing. To obey the rule of diversification, I ventured into other businesses beside the music business. Terry G's water is the first business I ventured into apart from music and it has helped guide me into other businesses.

How is the Terry G's pure water doing in the market?
It has been doing massively well since we started. Though the challenges we are facing are high; the trucks we are using for distribution are not enough to move the goods around but the demands are very encouraging. In the first two weeks of operation, we ran out of stock, the customers' requests were beyond our imagination. Meeting up with consumers' demands is the biggest challenge we are facing but I can tell you it's quite interesting.

Is Terry G's pure water acceptable only within your vicinity or it goes beyond?
It's 100 percent accepted within the factory's vicinity and beyond. Like I said earlier, we ran out of stock due to demands. People's response to the brand is highly inspiring and I'm glad about that. I also thank God for the acceptance because it's everywhere now.

Why are you yet to get married to Mimi, the mother of your child?
She's my fiancée; we are getting married one day but I don't want everybody pushing us to settle down as if they own our lives. One thing many of them have not realised is that marriage is a decision we have to make once in life. I don't want to make a decision now and change my mind later or else everybody looking up to me as a role-model will see me as an irresponsible guy. Besides, I don't want to make a rash decision that I'd regret for the rest of my life. That is why I have been taking my time, putting things that make marriage worthwhile together and at the end, when that fruitfulness is everywhere we can live our lives together forever. I thank God I have a good and understanding partner and we are working together.

What do you understand about marriage?
I don't know anything about marriage, because I have never been into it, but I believe marriage is when two opposite sexes are living together as couple. Technically, I'm married because my fiancée lives with me and my son. I live like a married man, though without any ring or court pronouncement. Everybody asks me about marriage but hardly talks about divorce. Let's not go into that aspect so we don't hurt the victims of that circumstance and if I can say it here, I don't want to rush into marriage so I won't become a victim of the circumstance called divorce.

You recently posted a picture of your son on a social network playing musical instrument; but you earlier said you wanted him to be a footballer?
Yeah, it's true. All I know is that he will be a great man in life. But I want him to learn how to do many things while he can, so at the end of the day when he gets to a certain age, he will be able to choose and make a decision that suits him. What I'm trying to do is to make him understand different parts of life. I'm not God, to boldly say he's going to be a footballer but that's just what I want him to be. I'm going to put him through by registering him in a football academy in London but when he gets to the age of decision making; he can choose to do whatever pleases him. In any case, we are going to support him with everything we have as parents.

Recently, you reconciled with your long-time foes, including Ozone, Timaya and others, why?
Yes, there's something about life and it is called maturity. It breeds changes both biologically and psychologically. Change is the only constant factor. At a particular time in life, I realised I need people in my life to be happy and people also need me to meet their needs. I won't block the flow of love by being adamant. I may be a source of an opportunity and at the same time I don't want to be an endangered type or a barricade to other people's progress. I believe in peace, so we make peace to make things happen.

There are speculations that you are relocating to your house in Lekki?
Me ke? I didn't buy any house in Lekki and I'm not relocating to Lekki. Even if I'm going to relocate to Lekki, it has to be my own house. Lekki is another environment I would love to reach out to because of my business because my water factory is still in my neighbourhood for now, I can't just leave here or my business.

As a son of a deaconess, in the church how do people relate with your personality as Terry G?
Actually, I don't go to church always, due to time and my kind of job. But any time I show up in church, people look at me in an odd way. I just have to convince myself that I am in church to serve God.

How do you find time to serve God?
Going to church doesn't mean serving God, but I have time for God always. My conscience is for God. I fear God and I know that the grace of God is more than sufficient for me. If you fear God and know that he exists and he's always around to assist you, you are connected to him.
You recently disclosed on a live programme that you've stopped taking hard-drugs, but do you still take little before

Going on stage to perform or do you always ginger yourself with alcoholic drinks?
I don't drink or take anything before going on stage. I live a normal life like every other person but when it comes to a job that makes you who you are, you have to take it very serious, I don't drink before going on stage because it takes a whole lot of energy and performance requires energy. Once you drink, it exhausts all your energy, so I drink only after performances.

Do you have any retirement plan?

I can never retire from music. Music is for life and forever. I'll never retire. I'll keep spreading my tentacles. I have a dream that one day, my type of music will be like a mission and every member of the society will adore my music more than I expect.

How supportive are you to your brother doing music business like you?

I'm very sure of his confidence, beliefs and creativity. Apart from singing, he also produces. I'm very optimistic that he'll prove himself worthy in the music scene. He just released a single entitled 'Salama' and its video will be shot soon. People can judge him when the video is out.
Do you have plans of going into politics like other artistes?
I'm not a politician; I'm not planning to go into politics. It's not my way; I can keep fighting for the people with my voice and music. We speak the minds of the masses with our songs and that's what makes us role models, not politics. I don't believe we need to join a particular party before we can fight or speak for the people.
But do you support entertainers going into politics?
Yes, I support them. It's their choice and in another way, it will help boost the entertainment industry and more money may come into the industry.



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