Omowunmi Akinnifesi Denies Butt Implant Rumours

Omowunmi Akinnifesi Denies Butt Implant Rumours

Former Most Beautiful Girl In Nigeria, (MBGN 2005), Omowunmi Akinifesi who has denied injecting butt implants to make her 'assets' bigger.

The ex-beauty queen who shared recent pictures of her bottom while vacationing in Monaco, took to her Instagram page to clear the air after the photos caused a hulabaloo after going viral.

“Relaxxxx geeez the butt has always been there. Now they saying I got #ButtImplants hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. When you get yours I’ll get mine. Yikes!! #Never #NoCantDo #AllNatural #NoImplants #NoSurgery. #CanNeverGoUnderTheKnife. Guys chillll. Hehe. #ItsJustTheWomanInMe #Blossoming #TooHappy #StillSize6And8 #AllTheFoodGoesToTheButt. With my girl @jumaishaba #PrettyGirlsRock”


Here's the original picture that led people to believe that her bottom had been surgically enhanced:


So there folks, our Omowunmi is no Kim K. Although, her butt looks suspiciously like she is wearing 'Yodi', aka Butt Pads aka Booty Pads.

Check it out:

I think this is not silicone, but 'yodi' in action

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