Hey!! Do you wish to Blog for www.ThatYorubaBoy.com ? Here's the chance!
We currently need bloggers, to write and blog for our prestigious platform www.ThatYorubaBoy.com , please note its not a paid job, it depends if you really love e-journalism/blogging or not. We let our bloggers include us on their C.V as an added experience.
You can independently get publicity briefs from client and own the charges to yourself, or be nicer to give just a smaller share to www.ThatYorubaBoy.com.
We require that you know how use blogger.com to create and publish posts, good love for research, and creative too.
Kindly call or whatsapp: 08027631814
Or on BBM: pin:3323D42F
You can independently get publicity briefs from client and own the charges to yourself, or be nicer to give just a smaller share to www.ThatYorubaBoy.com.
We require that you know how use blogger.com to create and publish posts, good love for research, and creative too.
Kindly call or whatsapp: 08027631814
Or on BBM: pin:3323D42F