Annoying Things GEJ/PEJ Apologists Say In Their Defence

Annoying Things GEJ/PEJ Apologists Say In Their Defence

They are all over the damn place. In our offices, in our neighborhoods, on social networks, everywhere! Torturing us with their low IQed defenses for the first couple and their allies. There are so many things they say in their desperation, or should I say docile-minded states, but the following ones make me want to cry in frustration or lock them up in a room and beat the living shii outta them until their IQs rise several notches up.

1. Other Presidents Were Not Better That GEJ:

Can you imagination that?! (in Giringori's voice and grammar) So just because we have had bad leaders in the past, we should continue having bad leaders and sit, fold our arms and watch while the rest of the world overtake us by 1000 years?
Let me also remind them that never in history have we heard of billions of dollars (not naira o) disappearing from all sections of the economy. Even the Sharia crisis wasn't as violent and as prolonged as what we have now.

2. He's The Best Option Among Other Bad Options for 2015 (The devil we know is better than the angel we don't know syndrome)

Typical Naija mentality. No wonder vision 2020 seems like just a tall dream. Why not? When we have decided to stick with a devil? GEJ has suddenly become the best devil simply because he's a southerner? Oh of course! A bad southerner is better than a strong northerner. We must to support our brother with the last drop of our blood so we can keep those born to rule northerners in check. Abi nau?

3. We shouldn't Criticize Them Because They are Our Father And Mother's Age Mates:

"can you talk to your father/mother like that" "can your mother speak better English?" "can your father be a President?"

It's high time these...... (I lack words to describe them) got it into their heads that Presidents, Governors, etc are not elected to be fathers/mothers. They were elected to work for us and provide the enabling environment where we and our families can thrive in our chosen businesses/careers. even if my mother cannot speak better English, for sweet heaven's sake she ain't no first lady! She ain't representing no Country or State or whatever but herself and our family. So if she's got issues repping our family well, it's our business alone. Gerrit? And hey, if my dad ever becomes President and he starts saying stuff like stealing is not corruption, He is on his own. Oya take that!

4. English Is Not Our Language:

Oya start telling your children's teachers in school to start teaching them in Igbo nau. Please Google 'lingua franca' or 'official language' to understand why Germans, Russians, Chinese, and other non English-speaking country leaders and their first ladies do not speak English at public functions. I no get power.

5. Would You have Done Better As A President?:

Mba o. I would have done trade by bata. Nansense! A company CEO sends out an advertisement for a PA. Someone who can speak 3 languages, write in short hand, high memory retention, etc. Or the owner of a big departmental shopping mall, hotel, recreation center, etc wanting a manager. Why you no ask them to do these things by themselves nau? You see ya dumb sefs?
Secondly, not everybody can be Presidents. Same way law, medicine, engineering, accounting, etc are only for people with the flair, know-how and passion for these things.
So yes, I doubt I have what it takes to lead a country like Nigeria....... and did I tell you I'm contesting?? So please if you can't lead well, park well for someone else who can.

6. His Enemies Vowed to Make Nigeria Ungovernable:

His enemies kwa? Please remind me who the C-in-C is again I don forget. Since when did enemies become more powerful than someone that can wake up one morning and make rules that could make his enemies go bankrupt? Since when did enemies control the police and armed forces? Oh ok. I forgot, maybe you guys mean his village enemies aka African insurance ba? mtcheeeeeeeew! Your dear Presido keeps saying BH are in his govt. Oh so he knows them? What is he doing about them? His enemies are also stopping him from providing social amenities, employment opportunities, etc for us abi? they control the federal purse shey? How come his enemies did not stop him from budgeting N1B for his feeding or the numerous presidential cars and jets he has added to his fleet?

7. It's Their Time. Let Them Complete Their Eight Years.:

Even if it means wiping out the whole country ko?


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