Green Impact  Recognition Awards ( G.I.R.A  2014 )

Green Impact Recognition Awards ( G.I.R.A 2014 )

The land is green, the harvest is ready!!! Lagos is about to experience a stand-out recognition award for

 Persons/Organizations that has since contributed to the growth of its community from Jan - Nov 2014 in one way or the other.

Experiencing the first edition. The people of  ISOLO, IKOTUN-EBGE, IDIMU, EGBEDA, AKOWONJO, ISHERI OSHUN, IJEGUN, IGANDO, LASU RD, AND ENVIRON brace yourself and get on the green land to harvest. 29th of NOV. 6pm redcarpet kicks off as DONLUNGU MEDIA brings to your doorstep an event of a life time.

To participate send in your list of Persons/Organizations that has made a GREEN IMPACT in your locality in the various fields listed below to this email Entries will be contacted and properly screened by our experts to be awarded as a "GREEN IMPACT-OR" on the 29th of NOV. 2014


*Philanthropist of the year      

*C.E.O of the year

*Royal father of the year

*Politician of the year

*Public holder personnel of the year

*Security personnel of the year

*Educational institution of the year

*Health institution of the year

*Media institution of the year

*Fashion institution of the year

*Hospitality institution of the year

*Entertainment person of the year

*Best hangout place of the year

*Artiste of the year

*Dj of the year

*Comedian of the year

*Hype man of the year

* Mr (G.I.R.A) youth 2014

*Ms (G.I.R.A) youth 2014

Make the land  green, The harvest will be ready....Be Part Of it

 For sponsorship/Partnership and media support reach G.I.R.A on...

BB Pin: 22A0BA04  Twitter- @ogabobo17
Call:     08097018376 

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