Revealed: Babangida Contributed $21 Billion , To Fight Against Christianity.
Africa with some less innocent points in
that decision:[6]
"To ensure only Muslims are elected to
all political posts of member nations".
"To eradicate in all its forms and
ramifications all non-Muslim religions
in member nations (such religions shall
include Christianity, Ahmadiyya and
other tribal modes of worship
unacceptable to Muslim)." (the word
Christianity is underlined in the
"To ensure the ultimate replacement of
all western forms of legal and judicial
systems with the sharia in all member
nations before then next "Islam in
Africa conference."
"To ensure the appointment of only
Muslims into strategic national and
international posts of member nations."
The execution of this strategy can be
recognised in countries like Nigeria,
Ethiopia and Sudan. In Nigeria more and
more provinces choose for the Sharia
leading to heavy protests of Christians,
oft resulting in violence and bloodshed
to both sides. In Sudan the government
chose in 1983 for the Sharia, in 1991
sharpened with death punishment for
apostasy from Islam.
Funds: The government of Nigeria has
donated 21 billion US-dollar conform an
IAO-communiqué [7] as donation to this
"Islamic Development Fund"
This was lifted directly from wikipedia you
can google it
Source: NairaLand